Charts with Vaadin

A great web application needs awesome graphs to visualize data in a human-readable form, so let’s have a look at how to add some to yours. Let’s first consider the different options we have for creating charts; Vaadin Pro and Prime come with Vaadin Charts, Vaadin Directory has several add-ons for ...

Mission RIP Table: Migrate to Grid! - Basic

As promised earlier, here is the first and most basic example. As a reference, Gridv7 is the Grid component from Framework 7, while Grid is the latest Grid component in Framework 8. Naturally, you can also migrate straight from Table to the Framework 8 style Grid. Migrate from Table to Framework 7 ...

Welcome to the Free Vaadin 8 Certification Week!

After the releases of Vaadin 8 and 8.1 we are happy to announce that our certifications have been updated as well. We’d like to celebrate this with you during our upcoming Free Vaadin 8 Certification Week. You’ll get the chance to join our more than 1000 Certified Vaadin developers all over the ...

Adding graphs to Polymer 2 web applications

We are happy to announce the release of Vaadin Charts 5 with support for Polymer 2! Vaadin Charts offers a range of custom elements for creating dynamic graphs for data visualization, from simple column charts to complex combinations of more than one type of chart. Powerful features and a powerful ...

Mission RIP Table: Migrate to Grid! - Intro

Vaadin Grid was announced over two years ago, and since then it has evolved with many new features and enhancements. If this wasn’t enough killer for the Table component, then the announcement of Vaadin Framework 8 earlier this year, with explicit deprecation of Table, places it in a critical ...

Community Spotlight - July 2017

A key element in any successful open-source project is its community. In the case of Vaadin, the community collaborates mostly by asking and answering questions in forums, reporting issues, suggesting improvements, contributing with patches to the core products or with add-ons published at ...

How to build a Progressive Web Application with Polymer 2

Building a Progressive Web App can be daunting. There are a tons of videos, articles, and online courses about PWAs, but it's hard to know how to get started. Now that Polymer 2 is out, it's even more important to get up to date and start working on apps pronto. We have just put out a video on ...

Vaadin Framework 8.1 is now stable

I’m pleased to announce that Vaadin Framework 8.1 is now declared as stable. As discussed earlier, it brings the much awaited component support to the Grid’s columns, Vaadin 8 style support for hierarchical data structures (Tree and TreeGrid), improved drag and drop support, and enhanced OSGi ...

Making Prime Better with Training

In March, 2017 Vaadin introduced Prime, our new subscription plan. Customers are now upgrading their old support contracts and enjoying the benefits of a Prime subscription, including access to Pro Tools, expert chat with Vaadin Experts, and on-demand development support. How can we make your ...