Making custom components for declarative use

Vaadin introduced declarative syntax for initializing screen compositions in Framework 7.4. Since its release, declarative serialization and initialization have been associated for the most part with the Vaadin Designer product, where this syntax is used to describe a user interface design in a ...

Charts with Vaadin

A great web application needs awesome graphs to visualize data in a human-readable form, so let’s have a look at how to add some to yours. Let’s first consider the different options we have for creating charts; Vaadin Pro and Prime come with Vaadin Charts, Vaadin Directory has several add-ons for ...

A Guide to migrating from GXT to Vaadin

Vaadin has always had a strong position when companies are evaluating the next platform to migrate their Java based desktop applications to. The programming model of Vaadin Framework is very similar to their existing codebase, which immediately makes Vaadin feel natural and productive to work with. ...

Framework’s client-server communication simplifies your life

One unique feature of Vaadin Framework is the way it automatically manages communication between the user's browser and your server. The biggest benefit of this is not directly related to communication, but rather that you can use a very productive programming model. Programming model Without the ...

Progressive web apps in Java

Update 29-June-2018: There are now more in depth resources about PWA, and example of integrating PWA with Vaadin Flow. What is the big deal about Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) and why are they trending nowadays? Here is one explanation by Google: “It [PWA] loads quickly, even on flaky ...

Want to learn Vaadin? Check out our university course!

One of the best things about open source communities is the sharing of knowledge. And what better way to share it than by organising a course at the local university? Last fall we collaborated with Turku Centre for Computer Science and the result was a full course called “Developing Modern Web Apps ...

Enabling HTTPS in your Java server using a free certificate

Using HTTPS connections in web application client-server communication has grown to be more and more common nowadays. In fact, for some types of applications, it’s become a requirement. For example, if you want to use Geolocation API in a web app running in Chrome, you need to have HTTPS enabled. ...