Community Answer: Creating new Vaadin Themes in Spring Applications

This answer is inspired by a question I found in one of my videos on YouTube: I thought it would be cool to show not only how to add a new Vaadin theme in an existing Spring Boot application, but also how to modify the theme in order to give the app a totally different look, by using only a few ...

Community Answer: Processing a File in a Background Thread

A couple of weeks ago I found this interesting question in the forum: I figured it was a perfect chance to try some live coding and record a video explaining how to implement a simple application with these requirements: 1. Allow users to upload a file. 2. Show a spinner in the UI while the file is ...

The state of SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) in the modern web

I have always been a big fan of the SVG format (Scalable Vector Graphics, an XML based standard to represent graphics). I was already building a charting library using SVGs when the only way to display them in a browser was a browser plugin by Adobe. Around seven years ago I also authored an add-on ...

Vaadin 8.2 comes with improvements to Binder, Navigator, Grid, and Tree

Although there is currently a lot of buzz around the upcoming Vaadin 10 and Flow, we continue to work with improvements to the Vaadin 8 series, as well. In fact, specific features are developed or improved in the 8 series and then the changes will later be applied to Vaadin Flow. Also, the ...

More on Java 9 compatibility

As discussed earlier, the core of Vaadin 8 is already compatible with Java 9. The issue burdening developers, however, has been the incompatibility of GWT when compiling a new widgetset, or developing new components. For many Vaadin developers, this has been a showstopper, as setting up a different ...

Community Spotlight - October 2017

For this Community Spotlight edition, I interviewed Jay Jay Billings, a Research Scientist and Ph.D. candidate in Energy Science at the University of Tennessee. Jay has been leading a group of Software Engineers for 8 years in the Computer Science Research Group of the Computer Science and ...

Migrating to Vaadin 10 and beyond

Revised November 2018 - few changes to our plans and product names A year ago I wrote here about our plans how we help current Vaadin Framework 8 users to migrate to Vaadin 10 platform. Since Developer Preview was released we talked to Vaadin customers and got the message that migration path would ...

Vaadin Flow - the next piece of Vaadin 10 is now in developer preview

As announced last year, we have been preparing the pieces for the next major version of Vaadin. The Vaadin Elements project has become a popular collection of Web Components and today we are happy to publish the developer preview of the next generation Java Framework: Vaadin Flow. And we’d love to ...

Vaadin Framework 8 roadmap 2017 and beyond

What happened during 2017? Vaadin Framework 8.0 was released on February 2017. It brought more than 21 Improvements to Vaadin Framework. One of the major features was full Java 8 support. Java 8 allowed us to dramatically improve the Data API. We released Vaadin Framework 8.1 in July. It took a bit ...