Tag: Vaadin-flow

Vaadin 23.3: Running Vaadin Flow apps in Kubernetes and cloud just got easier, plus three new UI components
We’re happy to announce a new release, Vaadin 23.3, that makes it easier to deploy and run stateful Vaadin Flow applications in Kubernetes and cloud environments. Two new Acceleration Kits for Kubernetes and Azure Cloud enable horizontal scalability, high availability/failover, non-disruptive ...

Observe your Flow applications
Observability (or o11y) is the ability to answer questions about your application and its infrastructure, no matter how complex. Our new Observability Kit assists developers in implementing it for Flow-based applications in order to obtain traceable, actionable information about their applications ...

V22 is here!
The latest feature release, Vaadin 22, is here! New on the table is stateless Fusion, official Quarkus support for Flow, and updates to the Vaadin components, such as compatibility with assistive technologies. The previous release will continue to receive support for a month. Ready to dive right ...

Server-side Tetris with Vaadin Flow
The server-side nature of Vaadin Flow often causes concerns for those who evaluate it: The UI must be slow, as the UI logic is on the server and the “chatty” connection will bring the server to its knees. In this era, it can be hard to convince your boss or fellow engineers in the face of these ...

Enable Users to Upload & Download Files
This guide demonstrates how to create a web app that enables users to upload and download files to and from the server in Java. In this guide, we create a web app that enables users to upload and download files to and from the server. The UI allows users to select local files to be uploaded to the ...

Get started with Vaadin Start
Vaadin Start is an online configurator for generating Vaadin web apps, fast. You can choose between Vaadin Flow (if you prefer Java) and Vaadin Fusion (if you prefer TypeScript), but don’t worry about making the wrong choice; the frameworks are interoperable and can be used independently or ...

Java and Vaadin
Vaadin has been enabling Java development teams to build enterprise-grade web apps in Java for over twenty years. The Vaadin framework is unique, as it is the only one that allows developers to build modern web apps completely in Java, without any browser plugins. For well over two decades, Java ...

What's the Vaadin CLI?
The Vaadin command line interface (CLI) is a fast way to create a new Vaadin Flow or Fusion project directly from your local terminal. Vaadin CLI is experimental and free to use. Prerequisites: you need to have Node.js installed. Go to the Node.js download page to install it on your development ...

Java for Frontend Web App Development in 2024: Benefits, Examples & Tools
Vaadin has enabled Java development teams to build full-stack applications, 100% in Java, for over 20 years. With an extensive web component library, powerful abstraction capabilities, the Collaboration Kit (for real-time collaboration), and Hilla (for React and TypeScript support), Vaadin is more ...