How to use jUnit extensions to test Vaadin Flow apps

In this tutorial, you will learn how to implement a jUnit 5 extension that is used for testing a Vaadin application with TestBench. Download base project This tutorial uses the flow-helloworld-maven-meecrowave as a base. You can find the latest version of the source code for this tutorial @github ...

But why Web Components?

Vaadin recently announced Vaadin 10 consisting of developer tools, Vaadin components, and Vaadin Flow. Vaadin Flow comes with many new features and one of the biggest is the usage of Web Components for the client-side, instead of GWT components. There is no big difference on the server-side from a ...

Building web apps with Vaadin and Kotlin

Kotlin, the new kid in the family of JVM-based languages, is slowly but steadily capturing the hearts of many Java developers while finding its way to many prominent Java-related projects, such as Android, Spring, and Gradle. Using Vaadin Flow with Kotlin to build web apps is also possible! I ...